

Namespace: Endorphin.Instrument.RohdeSchwarz.HMC804x

Functions to translate between internal and machine representations.

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
arbRepetitions _arg1
Signature: _arg1:ArbRepetitions -> uint16
arbTriggerMode str
Signature: str:string -> ArbTriggerMode
current str
Signature: str:string -> Current
interpolation _arg1
Signature: _arg1:string -> Interpolation
onOffState str
Signature: str:string -> OnOffState

Convert a machine representation of an on/off state into an internal representation.

output str
Signature: str:string -> Output
power str
Signature: str:int -> Power
time str
Signature: str:int -> Time
voltage str
Signature: str:string -> Voltage
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