applyOutputSettings settings instrument
Signature: settings:Settings -> instrument:CurrentSource -> Async<unit>
Apply output settings to the machine, without setting the maximum power.
applySettings (...)
Signature: powerSupplySettings:seq<KeyValuePair<Output,Settings>> -> instrument:CurrentSource -> Async<unit>
Apply a set of settings to the given current/voltage source, including
maximum power.
availableOutputs _arg1
Signature: _arg1:Model -> Set<Output>
Selectable outputs of device
Signature: CurrentSource -> Async<unit>
Disconnect from instrument
constantOutput voltage current
Signature: voltage:float<MeasureProduct<V,MeasureOne>> -> current:float<MeasureProduct<A,MeasureOne>> -> Settings
Create a settings record to have a constant output.
makeArbPoint (...)
Signature: voltage:float<MeasureProduct<V,MeasureOne>> -> current:float<MeasureProduct<A,MeasureOne>> -> time:float<MeasureProduct<s,MeasureOne>> -> interpolation:Interpolation -> ArbPoint
Make a single ARB point.
makeArbSettings (...)
Signature: points:seq<ArbPoint> -> reps:ArbRepetitions -> triggering:OnOffState -> triggerMode:ArbTriggerMode -> OutputSetting
Make output settings with no power limit.
Signature: string -> int<MeasureProduct<ms,MeasureOne>> -> Async<CurrentSource>
Connect to instrument via TCPIP
rampContinuous (...)
Signature: startVoltage:float<MeasureProduct<V,MeasureOne>> -> startCurrent:float<MeasureProduct<A,MeasureOne>> -> finishVoltage:float<MeasureProduct<V,MeasureOne>> -> finishCurrent:float<MeasureProduct<A,MeasureOne>> -> riseTime:float<MeasureProduct<s,MeasureOne>> -> fallTime:float<MeasureProduct<s,MeasureOne>> -> Settings
Create a settings record to create ramped output which repeats indefinitely.
rampTriggered (...)
Signature: startVoltage:float<MeasureProduct<V,MeasureOne>> -> startCurrent:float<MeasureProduct<A,MeasureOne>> -> finishVoltage:float<MeasureProduct<V,MeasureOne>> -> finishCurrent:float<MeasureProduct<A,MeasureOne>> -> riseTime:float<MeasureProduct<s,MeasureOne>> -> fallTime:float<MeasureProduct<s,MeasureOne>> -> Settings
Create a settings record to create ramped output based on a trigger.
selectOutput x
Signature: x:Output -> CurrentSource -> Async<unit>
Select an output channel to apply subsequent configuration to
setArb x
Signature: x:OnOffState -> CurrentSource -> Async<unit>
Turn the ARB on and off.
setArbData x
Signature: x:ArbSequence -> CurrentSource -> Async<unit>
Set the sequence of points for the ARB to go through.
setArbRepetitions x
Signature: x:ArbRepetitions -> CurrentSource -> Async<unit>
Set the number of repetitions for the ARB system to the desired number.
setArbTriggering x
Signature: x:OnOffState -> CurrentSource -> Async<unit>
Set the ARB triggering mode to on or off.
setArbTriggerMode x
Signature: x:ArbTriggerMode -> CurrentSource -> Async<unit>
Set the ARB trigger mode to the desired type.
setChannelOutput x
Signature: x:OnOffState -> CurrentSource -> Async<unit>
Enable/Disable the currently selected channel
setCurrent x
Signature: x:Current -> CurrentSource -> Async<unit>
Set the current in the machine to a given value.
setMasterOutput x
Signature: x:OnOffState -> CurrentSource -> Async<unit>
Enable/Disable all enabled channels
setVoltage x
Signature: x:Voltage -> CurrentSource -> Async<unit>
Set the voltage of the machine to a given value.
start x
Signature: x:CurrentSource -> Async<unit>
Turn the instrument's master output on.
withMaximumPower power settings
Signature: power:float<MeasureProduct<W,MeasureOne>> -> settings:Settings -> Settings
Change the maximum allowed power in a record of settings.