Signature: int -> InputChannel * BufferDownsampling -> Acquisition -> IObservable<seq<AdcCount>>
Returns an observable which emits the ADC count for every block observed on the specified input
in an acquisition.
adcCountBy map
Signature: map:(int -> 'a) -> int -> InputChannel * BufferDownsampling -> Acquisition -> IObservable<seq<'a * AdcCount>>
Type parameters: 'a
Returns an observable which emits a tuple of sample index mapped with the given index mapping
function and ADC count for every block observed on the specified input in an acquisition.
Signature: int -> InputChannel * BufferDownsampling -> Acquisition -> IObservable<seq<int * AdcCount>>
Returns an observable which emits a tuple of sample index and ADC count for every block observed
on the specified input in an acquisition.
adcCountByTime (...)
Signature: count:int -> (InputChannel * BufferDownsampling) -> acquisition:Acquisition -> IObservable<seq<float<MeasureProduct<s,MeasureOne>> * AdcCount>>
Returns an observable which emits a tuple of timestamp and ADC count for every block observed on
the specified input in an acquisition.
Signature: int -> (InputChannel * BufferDownsampling) [] -> Acquisition -> IObservable<seq<AdcCount []>>
Returns an observable which emits an array of ADC counts for every block observed on the specified
array of inputs in an acquisition.
adcCountsBy map
Signature: map:(int -> 'a) -> int -> (InputChannel * BufferDownsampling) [] -> Acquisition -> IObservable<seq<'a * AdcCount []>>
Type parameters: 'a
Returns an observable which emits a tuple of sample index mapped with the given index mapping
function and array of ADC counts for every block observed on the specified array of inputs
in an acquisition.
Signature: int -> (InputChannel * BufferDownsampling) [] -> Acquisition -> IObservable<seq<int * AdcCount []>>
Returns an observable which emits a tuple of sample index and array of ADC counts for every block
observed on the specified array of inputs in an acquisition.
adcCountsByTime count inputs acquisition
Signature: count:int -> inputs:(InputChannel * BufferDownsampling) [] -> acquisition:Acquisition -> IObservable<seq<float<MeasureProduct<s,MeasureOne>> * AdcCount []>>
Returns an observable which emits a tuple of timestamp and array of ADC counts for every block
observed on the specified array of inputs in an acquisition.
digitalBit bit
Signature: bit:int32 -> int -> InputChannel * BufferDownsampling -> Acquisition -> IObservable<seq<bool>>
Returns an observable which emits the state of a single bit for every block observed on a digital port
digitalBitBy bit
Signature: bit:int32 -> (int -> '?7369) -> int -> InputChannel * BufferDownsampling -> Acquisition -> IObservable<seq<'?7369 * bool>>
Type parameters: '?7369
Returns an observable which emits a tuple of sample index mapped with the given index mapping
function and voltage for every block observed on the specified input in an acquisition.
digitalBitByIndex bit
Signature: bit:int32 -> int -> InputChannel * BufferDownsampling -> Acquisition -> IObservable<seq<int * bool>>
Returns an observable which emits a tuple of sample index and voltage for every block observed on
the specified input in an acquisition.
digitalBitByTime (...)
Signature: bit:int32 -> count:int -> (InputChannel * BufferDownsampling) -> acquisition:Acquisition -> IObservable<seq<float<MeasureProduct<s,MeasureOne>> * bool>>
Returns an observable which emits a tuple of timestamp and voltage for every block observed on the
specified input in an acquisition.
Signature: int -> InputChannel * BufferDownsampling -> Acquisition -> IObservable<seq<uint8>>
Returns an observable which emits the byte representation of every block observed on a digital port
digitalByteBy map
Signature: map:(int -> 'a) -> int -> InputChannel * BufferDownsampling -> Acquisition -> IObservable<seq<'a * uint8>>
Type parameters: 'a
Returns an observable which emits a tuple of sample index mapped with the given index mapping
function and voltage for every block observed on the specified input in an acquisition.
Signature: int -> InputChannel * BufferDownsampling -> Acquisition -> IObservable<seq<int * uint8>>
Returns an observable which emits a tuple of sample index and voltage for every block observed on
the specified input in an acquisition.
digitalByteByTime (...)
Signature: count:int -> (InputChannel * BufferDownsampling) -> acquisition:Acquisition -> IObservable<seq<float<MeasureProduct<s,MeasureOne>> * uint8>>
Returns an observable which emits a tuple of timestamp and voltage for every block observed on the
specified input in an acquisition.
voltage count (arg2, arg3) acquisition
Signature: count:int -> (InputChannel * BufferDownsampling) -> acquisition:Acquisition -> IObservable<seq<float32<MeasureProduct<V,MeasureOne>>>>
Returns an observable which emits the voltage for every block observed on the specified input in
an acquisition.
voltageBy map
Signature: map:(int -> 'a) -> int -> InputChannel * BufferDownsampling -> Acquisition -> IObservable<seq<'a * float32<MeasureProduct<V,MeasureOne>>>>
Type parameters: 'a
Returns an observable which emits a tuple of sample index mapped with the given index mapping
function and voltage for every block observed on the specified input in an acquisition.
Signature: int -> InputChannel * BufferDownsampling -> Acquisition -> IObservable<seq<int * float32<MeasureProduct<V,MeasureOne>>>>
Returns an observable which emits a tuple of sample index and voltage for every block observed on
the specified input in an acquisition.
voltageByTime (...)
Signature: count:int -> (InputChannel * BufferDownsampling) -> acquisition:Acquisition -> IObservable<seq<float<MeasureProduct<s,MeasureOne>> * float32<MeasureProduct<V,MeasureOne>>>>
Returns an observable which emits a tuple of timestamp and voltage for every block observed on the
specified input in an acquisition.
voltages count inputs acquisition
Signature: count:int -> inputs:(InputChannel * BufferDownsampling) array -> acquisition:Acquisition -> IObservable<seq<float32<MeasureProduct<V,MeasureOne>> []>>
Returns an observable which emits an array of voltages for every block observed on the specified
array of inputs in an acquisition.
voltagesBy map
Signature: map:(int -> 'a) -> int -> (InputChannel * BufferDownsampling) array -> Acquisition -> IObservable<seq<'a * float32<MeasureProduct<V,MeasureOne>> []>>
Type parameters: 'a
Returns an observable which emits a tuple of sample index mapped with the given index mapping
function and array of voltages for every block observed on the specified array of inputs in an
Signature: int -> (InputChannel * BufferDownsampling) array -> Acquisition -> IObservable<seq<int * float32<MeasureProduct<V,MeasureOne>> []>>
Returns an observable which emits a tuple of sample index and array of voltages for every block
observed on the specified array of inputs in an acquisition.
voltagesByTime count inputs acquisition
Signature: count:int -> inputs:(InputChannel * BufferDownsampling) array -> acquisition:Acquisition -> IObservable<seq<float<MeasureProduct<s,MeasureOne>> * float32<MeasureProduct<V,MeasureOne>> []>>
Returns an observable which emits a tuple of timestamp and array of voltages for every block
observed on the specified array of inputs in an acquisition.