Namespace: Endorphin.Instrument.PicoTech.PicoScope3000
Parent Module: PicoScope
Functions related to signal sampling.
Functions and values
Function or value | Description |
hardwareSampleInterval scope requested
Signature: scope:PicoScope3000 -> requested:Interval -> Async<Interval>
Get the actual timebase in use by the PicoScope for a requested sample interval.
Assumes saving into memory segment zero - more complicated use-cases will need a more
rigourous approach writing (it's my last day as I write this!).
queryMaximumAdcCount arg1
Signature: PicoScope3000 -> Async<AdcCount>
Asynchronously queries the current maximum ADC count value of a PicoScope 3000 series
device. The maximum ADC count depends on the current vertical resolution and corresponds
to a signal at the upper limit of an input channel's voltage range.
-- Documentation says ADC counts are scaled to 16 bits
queryMaximumDownsamplingRatio (...)
Signature: PicoScope3000 -> unaggregatedSamples:SampleIndex -> downsamplingMode:DownsamplingMode -> segment:MemorySegment -> Async<DownsamplingRatio>
Asynchronously queries the maximum downsampling ratio which can be used on a PicoScope
3000 series device for the specified number of samples, memory segment and downsampling
queryMaximumMemorySegments arg1
Signature: PicoScope3000 -> Async<MemorySegment>
Asynchronously queries the maximum number of memory segments into which the memory can
be segmented on a PicoScope 3000 series device. Memory can be segmented in order to
store multiple acquisition blocks on the device memory before transferring them to the
queryMinimumAdcCount arg1
Signature: PicoScope3000 -> Async<AdcCount>
Asynchronously queries the current minimum ADC count value of a PicoScope 3000 series
device. The minimum ADC count depends on the current vertical resolution and corresponds
to a signal at the lower limit of an input channel's voltage range.
-- Documentation says ADC counts are scaled to 16 bits
segmentMemory arg1 numberOfSegments
Signature: PicoScope3000 -> numberOfSegments:MemorySegment -> Async<SampleCount>
Asynchronously segments the memory of a PicoScope 3000 series device into the specified
number of segments. Returns the number of samples which will fit in each new segment.