closeInstrument arg1
Signature: TempController -> Async<unit>
Asynchronously close the connection to the given temperature controller.
openInstrument visaAddress timeout
Signature: visaAddress:string -> timeout:int<MeasureProduct<ms,MeasureOne>> -> Async<TempController>
Open the temperature controller at the specified VISA address with the specified
timeout for commands.
Signature: TempController -> Loop -> Async<ControlMode>
Query the control mode for the specified control loop on the temperature
Signature: TempController -> Loop -> Async<HeaterOutput>
Query the current heater output for the specified control loop on the temperature
Signature: TempController -> Loop -> Async<Temperature>
Querry the current temperature readout for the specified control loop on the
temperature controller.
Signature: TempController -> Async<Choice<Identity,exn>>
Query the device identity information.
Signature: TempController -> Loop -> Async<HeaterOutput>
Query the manual heater output for the specified control loop on the temperature
controller. This value only has effect when the control loop is in manual control
mode (open loop).
Signature: TempController -> Loop -> Async<PidSettings>
Query the PID settings for the specified control loop on the temperature
controller. These settings only have effect when the control loop is in manual PID
Signature: TempController -> Loop -> Async<Temperature>
Query the set point (target temperature) for the specified control loop on the
temperature controller.
Signature: TempController -> Loop -> ControlMode -> Async<unit>
Set the control mode for the specified control loop on the temperature controller.
Signature: TempController -> Loop -> HeaterOutput -> Async<unit>
Set the manual heater output for the specified control loop on the temperature
controller. This value only has effect when the control loop is in manual control
mode (open loop).
Signature: TempController -> Loop -> PidSettings -> Async<unit>
Set the PID settings for the specified control loop on the temperature controller.
These settings only have effect when the control loop is in manual PID mode.
Signature: TempController -> Loop -> Temperature -> Async<unit>
Set the set point (target temperature) for the specified control loop on the
temperature controller.