

Namespace: Endorphin.Instrument.Agilent.E8257D

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
Signature: Routing

The default routings for the machine, in use after a *RST command.

query instrument
Signature: instrument:IScpiInstrument -> Async<Routing>

Query the machine for the currently setup routings.

set routing instrument
Signature: routing:Routing -> instrument:IScpiInstrument -> Async<unit>

Set all the routings for the machine to the given values.

withAlcHold value routing
Signature: value:IMarkerSignal -> routing:Routing -> Routing

Set the routing of the ALC hold function. This overwrites the RF blank function.

withAlternateAmplitude value routing
Signature: value:IMarkerSignal -> routing:Routing -> Routing

Set the routing of the alternate amplitude function.

withBasebandTrigger1 value routing
Signature: value:IUserSignal -> routing:Routing -> Routing

Set the routing of the BBTRIG1 connector. Overwrites any inputs set to come into this BNC.

withBasebandTrigger2 value routing
Signature: value:IUserSignal -> routing:Routing -> Routing

Set the routing of the BBTRIG2 connector. Overwrites any inputs set to come into this BNC.

withEvent1 value routing
Signature: value:IUserSignal -> routing:Routing -> Routing

Set the routing of the EVENT1 connector. Overwrites any inputs set to come into this BNC.

withMarker1Polarity value routing
Signature: value:Polarity -> routing:Routing -> Routing

Set the polarity of marker 1. Positive means the marker signal is high while the marker is set to true.

withMarker2Polarity value routing
Signature: value:Polarity -> routing:Routing -> Routing

Set the polarity of marker 2. Positive means the marker signal is high while the marker is set to true.

withMarker3Polarity value routing
Signature: value:Polarity -> routing:Routing -> Routing

Set the polarity of marker 3. Positive means the marker signal is high while the marker is set to true.

withMarker4Polarity value routing
Signature: value:Polarity -> routing:Routing -> Routing

Set the polarity of marker 4. Positive means the marker signal is high while the marker is set to true.

withPatternTrigger value routing
Signature: value:IUserSignal -> routing:Routing -> Routing

Set the routing of the PATTRIG connector. Overwrites any inputs set to come into this BNC.

withPatternTrigger1 value routing
Signature: value:IUserBncSignal -> routing:Routing -> Routing

Set the routing of the internal signal pattern trigger 1. This overwrites any output signal on the given BNC.

withPatternTrigger2 value routing
Signature: value:IUserBncSignal -> routing:Routing -> Routing

Set the routing of the internal signal pattern trigger 2. This overwrites any output signal on the given BNC.

withRfBlank value routing
Signature: value:IMarkerSignal -> routing:Routing -> Routing

Set the routing of the RF blanking function. This overwrites the ALC hold function.

withSweepOut value routing
Signature: value:ISweepOutSignal -> routing:Routing -> Routing

Set the routing of the SWEEPOUT connector.

withTrigger1 value routing
Signature: value:ITriggerSignal -> routing:Routing -> Routing

Set the routing of the TRIG1 connector.

withTrigger2 value routing
Signature: value:ITriggerSignal -> routing:Routing -> Routing

Set the routing of the TRIG2 connector.

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