

Namespace: Endorphin.Instrument.Agilent.E8257D

Functions to translate between internal and machine representations.

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
amplitude str
Signature: str:string -> Amplitude

Convert a string containing a number into a power in dBm.

autoManualState str
Signature: str:string -> AutoManualState

Convert a machine representation of an automatic/manual state into an internal representation.

coupling str
Signature: str:string -> Coupling

Convert a machine representation of a coupling into an internal representation.

decibelRatio str
Signature: str:string -> DecibelRatio

Convert a string containing a number into a decibel ratio in dB.

depthType str
Signature: str:string -> DepthType

Convert the machine representation of the depth type into the internal representation.

direction str
Signature: str:string -> Direction

Convert a machine representation of a direction into an internal representation.

duration str
Signature: str:string -> Duration

Convert a string containing a number into a duration in seconds.

externalTriggerSource str
Signature: str:string -> ExternalTriggerSource

Convert a machine representation of an external trigger source to an internal representation.

frequency str
Signature: str:string -> Frequency

Convert a string containing a number into a frequence in Hz.

impedance _arg1
Signature: _arg1:string -> Impedance

Convert a machine representation of an impedance into an internal representation.

internalTriggerSource str
Signature: str:string -> InternalTriggerSource

Convert a machine representation of an internal trigger source to an internal representation.

lowHighState str
Signature: str:string -> LowHighState

Convert a machine representation of a low/high state into an internal representation.

markerSignal str
Signature: str:string -> IMarkerSignal

Convert a machine representation of a marker signal into an internal representation.

onOffState str
Signature: str:string -> OnOffState

Convert a machine representation of an on/off state into an internal representation.

percentage str
Signature: str:string -> Percentage

Convert a string containing a number into a percentage.

phase str
Signature: str:string -> Phase

Convert a string containing a number into a phase in radians.

polarity str
Signature: str:string -> Polarity

Convert a machine representation of a polarity into an internal representation.

sourceProvider str
Signature: str:string -> SourceProvider

Convert the machine representation of a trigger source into an internal representation.

sweepMode str
Signature: str:string -> SweepMode

Convert the machine representation of a sweep mode into the internal representation.

sweepOutSignal str
Signature: str:string -> ISweepOutSignal

Convert a machine representation of a sweep out routing into an internal representation.

sweepType str
Signature: str:string -> SweepType

Convert the machine representation of the sweep type to the internal representation.

triggerSignal str
Signature: str:string -> ITriggerSignal

Convert a machine representation of a trigger routing into an internal representation.

triggerSourceType str
Signature: str:string -> TriggerSourceType

Convert a machine representation of a trigger source into an internal representation.

userBncSignal str
Signature: str:string -> IUserBncSignal

Convert a machine representation of a user BNC routing into an internal representation.

userSignal str
Signature: str:string -> IUserSignal

Convert a machine representation of a user output route into an internal representation.

voltage str
Signature: str:string -> Voltage

Convert a string containing a peak voltage into a voltage

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