

Namespace: Endorphin.Instrument.Agilent.E8257D

Common functions to set/query values of a Agilent instrument. Includes functions to access values such as numbers, frequencies etc., which are common to different subsystems.

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
connect visaTcpipAddress timeout
Signature: visaTcpipAddress:string -> timeout:int<MeasureProduct<ms,MeasureOne>> -> Async<Instrument>

Connect to an Agilent E8257D over TCPIP Visa, and perform the initialisation checks.

disconnect instrument
Signature: instrument:Instrument -> Async<unit>

Disconnect from an Agilent E8257D, returning control back to the front panel.

initialise instrument
Signature: instrument:IScpiInstrument -> Async<unit>

Perform initialisation checks on the machine to ensure the driver software will work with it. Throws SCPI.InvalidResponseException if the machine responds with an invalid string over SCPI, UnexpectedReplyException if the model does not match, or InstrumentErrorException if there are errors in the queue.

localControl instrument
Signature: instrument:IScpiInstrument -> Async<unit>

Return control back to the front panel of the instrument.

Signature: ILog
post key instrument
Signature: key:string -> instrument:IScpiInstrument -> Async<unit>

Post a key to the instrument, then check the error queue afterwards.

query parser key instrument
Signature: parser:(string -> 'Out) -> key:string -> instrument:IScpiInstrument -> Async<'Out>
Type parameters: 'Out

Query a key for a value, then check the error queue after.

queryAmplitude key instrument
Signature: key:string -> instrument:IScpiInstrument -> Async<unit>

Safely query an amplitude from the machine, setting the power units to be in the correct format before, and returning them to their previous settings afterwards.

queryAmplitudeSeq key instrument
Signature: key:string -> instrument:IScpiInstrument -> Async<unit>

Safely query an amplitude sequence from the machine, setting the power units to be in the correct format before, and returning them to their previous settings afterwards.

querySeq parser key instrument
Signature: parser:(string -> 'Out) -> key:string -> instrument:IScpiInstrument -> Async<seq<'Out>>
Type parameters: 'Out

Query a key for a CSV sequence of values, each of which is interpreted by the parser command.

set key value instrument
Signature: key:string -> value:'In -> instrument:IScpiInstrument -> Async<unit>
Type parameters: 'In

Set a key to a value, then check the error queue after.

setSeq key values instrument
Signature: key:string -> values:seq<'In> -> instrument:IScpiInstrument -> Async<unit>
Type parameters: 'In

Write a sequency of values

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