

Namespace: Endorphin.Instrument.Agilent.E8257D

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
queryCarrierAmplitude x
Signature: x:IScpiInstrument -> Async<unit>

Query the RF amplitude of the carrier wave.

queryCarrierFrequency x
Signature: x:IScpiInstrument -> Async<Frequency>

Query the carrier wave frequency of the device.

queryOutput x
Signature: x:IScpiInstrument -> Async<OnOffState>

Queries whether the RF output is on or off.

queryPhase x
Signature: x:IScpiInstrument -> Async<Phase>

Query the phase of the modulation signal of the machine.

setCarrierAmplitude x
Signature: x:Amplitude -> IScpiInstrument -> Async<unit>

Set the RF amplitude of the carrier wave.

setCarrierFrequency x
Signature: x:Frequency -> IScpiInstrument -> Async<unit>

Set the carrier wave frequency of the device.

setOutput x
Signature: x:OnOffState -> IScpiInstrument -> Async<unit>

Sets the RF output on or off.

setPhase x
Signature: x:Phase -> IScpiInstrument -> Async<unit>

Set the phase of the modulation signal on the machine.

trigger instrument
Signature: instrument:IScpiInstrument -> Async<unit>

Send a trigger on the bus.

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